Fidelio April 2024
-Programme & Lyrics -
From the gateway to the East
she rose shimmering in the sky,
softly colouring the clouds,
the brightly shining Dawn;
and with her dewy breezes
she opened lilies, scattered roses.
Spreading its sweet rays
over our mild earth, we see
the brightness of new light
breaking over our fields;
day, bringing a new dawn
dispels the surrounding night
To clear the veil of darkness
a beautiful young maiden,
so sweet was she, so lovely,
kindled roses in heaven;
and with purple flames
she pierced the morning skies.
Such flame came
from her two bright little torches
that the earth caught fire,
as did the stars in heaven; and had the sun come out,
it too would have burst into flame.
G. Caccini — Dalla Porta d’Oriente
Dalla porta d'oriente
Lampeggiando in ciel usciva
E le nubi coloriva
L'alba candida e lucente,
E per l'aure rugiadose
Apria gigli e spargea rose.
Quand'al nostr'almo terreno
Distendendo i dolci lampi
Vide aprir su i nostri campi
D'altra luce altro sereno;
E portando altr'alba il giorno
Dileguar la notte intorno.
Ch'a sgombrar l'oscuro velo
Più soave e vezzosetta,
Una vaga giovinetta
Accendea le rose in cielo,
E di fiamme porporine
Feria l'aure matutine.
Di due splendide facelle
Tanta fiamma discendea,
Che la terra intorno ardea
Et ardeva in ciel le stelle; Ese'l sole usciva fuora,
Havrebb'arso il sole ancora.
Չինար ես, կեռանալ մի,
Յար, յար, յար.
Մեր դըռնեն հեռանալ մի,
Յար, յար, յար.
Յար, նայ նայ նայ...
Էս գիշեր երազ տեսա,
Յար, յար, յար.
Վերկերըս վարած տեսա,
Յար, յար, յար.
Յար, նայ նայ նայ…
Armenian trad./Komitas “Chinar Es” (arr. Musaelian)
You are a plane tree, don’t bend your head.
Dear, dear, dear.
Don’t stay away from our door,
Dear, dear, dear...
This night I had a dream,
Dear, dear, dear,
I saw my wounds were burnt.
Dear, dear, dear...
Sweet stay a while, why will you rise?
The light you see comes from your eyes:
The day breakes not, it is my heart,
To thinke that you and I must part.
O stay, or else my joyes must dye,
And perish in their infancie.
Deare let me dye in this faire breast,
Farre sweeter then the Phoenix next.
Love raise desire by his sweete charmes
Within this circle of thine armes:
And let thy blissefull kisses cherish
Mine infant joyes, that else must perish.
J. Dowland — Sweet Stay a While
Հով արեք, սարեր ջան, հով արեք,
Իմ դարդին դարման արեք։
Սարերը հով չեն անում,
Իմ դարդին դարման անում։
Ամպեր, ամպեր, մ քիչ զով արեք,
Վարար անձրեւ թափեք, ծով արեք,
Գեշ մարդո օր-արեւը
Սեւ հողի տակով արեք:
հով, հով արեք,
հով, հով արեք,
Ամպեր, ամպեր, մ քիչ զով արեք,
Վարար անձրեւ թափեք, ծով արեք,
Գեշ մարդո օր-արեւը
Սեւ հողի տակով արեք:
հով արեք, սարեր ջան, հով արեք,
Իմ դարդին դարման…
Armenian trad./Komitas — Hov Arek (arr. Musaelian)
Make a breeze, dear mountains, make a breeze,
Bring cure to my agony
The mountains are not making wind
(To bring) cure to my trouble
Oh clouds, clouds, make a bit of a cool
Pour heavy rain, make a sea
The good day of a bad guy
Make it go under the black soil
Breeze, make a breeze
Breeze, make a breeze
Oh clouds, clouds, make a bit of a cool
Pour heavy rain, make a sea
The good day of a bad guy
Make it go under the black soil
Make a breeze, dear mountains, make a breeze,
Bring cure to my agony...
When I'm at the pearly gates
This'll be on my videotape, my videotape
Mephistopheles is just beneath
And he's reaching up to grab me
This is one for the good days
And I have it all here
In red, blue, green
Red, blue, green
You are my centre
When I spin away
Out of control on videotape
On videotape, on videotape...
This is my way of saying goodbye
'Cause I can't do it face to face
I'm talking to you before
No matter what happens now
You shouldn't be afraid
Because I know today has been
The most perfect day I've ever seen.
Radiohead - Videotape
B. Strozzi — Che si può fare (arr. Musaelian)
What can you do?
The stars, intractable,
have no pity.
Since the gods don't give
a measure of peace in my suffering,
what can I do?
What can you say?
From the heavens disasters
keep raining down on me;
Since that treacherous Cupid
denies respite to my torture,
what can I say?
Che si può fare?
Le stelle rubelle
Non hanno pietà.
Che s'el cielo non dà
Un influsso di pace al mio penare,
Che si può fare?
Che si può dire?
Da gl'astri disastri
Mi piovano ogn'hor;
Che le perfido amor
Un respiro diniega al mio martire,
Che si può dire?
Armenian trad. — Keler Tsoler
Քելեր, ցոլեր իմ յարը,
Արևի տակին
Քելեր, ցոլեր իմ յարը:
Սարի սովոր,
Շեկ տղա,
Շող արեգակ,
Թո՛ղ արեգակ,
Ե՛կ, տղա:
Քելեր, ցոլեր իմ յարը,
Աղբյուրի ակին
Քելեր, ցոլեր իմ յարը:
Կանաչ առվով,
Ճանաչ առվով,
Ե՛կ, տղա,
Բաղովն արի,
Շողովն արի,
Շեկ տղա:
Walking, glistening is my love,
Under the sun
Walking, glistening my love,
He is a mountain man, a lonely, blond boy Shining like the sun; leave the sun and come
Walking, glistening is my love,
At the mouth of the spring...
Walking, glistening my love,
Come way of the green brook, the familiar brook Through the garden, the morning dew, blond boy.
T. Hume — King of Denmark
M. East — Love Cannot Dissemble
T. Hume — A Merry Conceit
E pur così in un giorno
perdo fasti, e grandezze? Ahi fato rio!
Cesare il mio bel nume è forse estinto;
Cornelia, e Sesto inermi son, né sanno
darmi soccorso. O dio!
Non resta alcuna speme al viver mio.
Piangerò la sorte mia
sì crudele e tanto ria
finché vita in petto avrò.
Ma poi morta d'ogn'intorno
il tiranno e notte e giorno
fatta spettro agiterò.
G. F. Handel — Piangerò la sorte mia (arr. Musaelian)
So it is that in one day I lose
both splendor and grandeur? Ah cruel fate!
Caesar, my beautiful god, may be dead;
Cornelia and Sesto are powerless and
do not know how to help me. O god!
No hope remains in my life.
I shall weep over my cruel fate
so long as there remains
life in my breast.
But once I have perished,
I shall become a ghost and torment that tyrant
from all directions, day and night.
L. Musaelian — Morning Light
You are like the morning light on a cold winter’s day,
After a never-ending night you take uncertainties away.
You beam right through my unadjusted eyes like you knew I’d cried, now they’re open wide.
I’d never know you like I do if day and night did not collide.
Sometimes I feel I don’t know anything,
I just know tomorrow you’ll appear, nature’s glistening chandelier,
Shedding light on a path I did not see the night before,
I don’t need anything more.
I fell asleep, drifting in a deep November far away, remembering that day.
“Wake up, it’s just another dream!” but even so, the feeling stays.
Sometimes I feel I don’t know anything,
I just know tomorrow you’ll appear.
You’re the unabashed smile,
The “hey, it’s been a while.”
You’re the steadfast tin soldier,
The eyes of the beholder.
You’re the “God, it’s good to see you,
After all we’ve been through,”
You’re the light, my morning light.
L. Musaelian — Mars
Summer is gonna fade,
Quiet nights, outer space.
Coming up empty looking for the moons,
Phobos and Deimos, they'll greet you pretty soon.
And I'll keep those letters that you sent,
Underline every word you really meant.
I'll swim in the ocean, I'll sit by the sea,
Stare at the sky, watch you stare back at me.
It's cold, but an extra hour a day won't make you old,
Don't forget to add a street sign on that road,
That being said, you never do just what you're told,
"Life on Mars is classified," you replied,
"Goodbye, don't cry,
I'll see you soon when all of this is over
By the train tracks where we stood and it got colder,
Don't cry, you'll wake up soon this nightmare will be over,
Hiding in places left behind as you get older,
Wiser but afraid of everything you thought you knew."
François Couperin — Le Dodo